31 Unique Christian Journal Prompts To Strengthen Your Faith

April 29, 2021

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If you are looking to grow your faith, these Christian journal prompts can help you! Get writing prompts for spiritual growth that will bring you closer to God day by day. 

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As an adult, I run into a lot of moments where I catch myself reflecting on how my parents raised me. 

I’m always thankful to my parents for teaching me how to speak clearly, give proper handshakes, and maintain strong eye contact. 

And I am grateful that my parents took the time to teach me good financial habits, amongst many other things. 

There is something valuable about reflecting on your relationships and appreciating how people have shown up for you in your life. It strengthens your present relationship with them and gives you more trust to lean on them when you need it. 

Your relationship with God is the same way. 

When you take time to reflect on how he has shown up for you in the past, you will grow closer to him in ways you could never imagine. 

Once you reflect and notice all of the ways that God works in your life, you will find it easier to trust that he is working in your life now, too.

What he has done he will continue to do now and forever. 

For this reason, I believe it is incredibly important to take time to reflect on God’s goodness and what he has done in your life thus far. There are lots of ways to do this but I want to discuss how to do this through journaling today. 

I am going to be sharing with you a list of Christian journal prompts that will encourage you to take a look at what God has done for you. By completing these writing prompts, you will experience spiritual growth that brings you closer to God. 

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Journal Prompts for Spiritual Growth that Can Help Bring You Closer to God

"31 Christian journal prompts for spiritual growth."

How to Use the Christian Writing Prompts

There are a few ways you can approach your time for reflection. If writing is not for you, it is not necessary to write down the answers to these journal prompts. 

Here are some ways that you can approach your writing prompts: 

Approach #1: Talk to God Directly

In the same way that we pray, we can reflect on our relationship with God.

Talk to him as if he is in the room with you or just sit and quietly reflect without speaking- he will hear you either way! 

If sitting in a quiet room is too distracting for you, you can also reflect while on a walk or doing something simple. Maybe consider one reflection question while you do the dishes every day! 

However you decide to talk it out, make sure that it feels good to you. This activity is not supposed to be hard or unpleasant. Make it work for your unique personality! 

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Approach #2: Record Your Conversation

The main downside to Approach #1 is that nothing is recorded. There will be nothing for you to look back on in the future that will show you how you were feeling at the time.

If this isn’t a big deal to you, then it’s still a great approach, but if you would like a way to record your feelings, I would recommend vlogging your reflections or creating an audio recording of your thoughts. 

In the same way as the previous approach, you will still simply talk about your reflection, but this time you will have a recording of what you said so that you can refer to it in the future. 

Related Post: How to Find Peace in Every Season of Life

Approach #3: Write Your Thoughts

My personal favourite approach to these reflections is to write them down.

I like to write out all of my thoughts on a piece of paper because I find I process it more fully this way. You don’t need anything fancy- any scrap paper or old notebook will do. 

One useful thing that I like to do is save all of my reflections until the end of the month where I will then read them again and type out a reflection of the big patterns I noticed in my recent reflections.

This gives me a summary of where I was at every point of my spiritual journey. Going back to read old reflections can be extremely comforting, too! 

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Approach #4: Type Your Thoughts

If you are someone who can’t write as fast as you think or who hates paper clutter, then this is definitely your best option.

I like keeping some of my reflections on the computer because it is easy to organize. I just keep one folder on Notion with all of my reflections and I never have to worry about mess or the chance of losing it! 

This is also a great solution for people who can’t read their own handwriting. It keeps everything so neat and easy to read. 

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A woman in a nude sweater writing in a lined journal with a Bible beside her.

When to Use the Christian Journal Prompts

There are so many ways that you can use these Christian journal prompts, so these suggestions are just that- suggestions. If you have a system that works better for you, then use it! 

Here are some options for the best times to use these writing prompts: 

Option #1: Use these Christian journal prompts on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis

One possibility is to have your reflection time scheduled into your routine. This might mean that you choose one question to reflect upon daily. It could mean that you choose to cover 5 reflection questions every Sunday or at the beginning of every month. 

The benefit to scheduling time for reflection ahead of time is that it ensures that you won’t forget to do it.

If it’s not a part of your routine, you may find yourself saying I’m too busy today to do any reflection. I’ll do it tomorrow.


And Over.

And Over.

(That’s the way I function, at least).

When you make your reflection time a part of your daily, weekly, or monthly routine, it will be easier to remember to do it. 

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Option #2: Use the Christian writing prompts whenever you feel you need extra guidance

If scheduling your reflection time does not appeal to you, no worries!

You can save your spiritual growth prompts for a specific situation, too! 

Have you ever had a time where you felt like you needed to hear someone’s opinion other than your own? Have you ever gone to someone else for guidance? 

Next time you feel like you’re a little lost in life or need some help taking your next steps, consider going to God first with these reflection questions rather than starting with a friend. 

Just a quick note here: There’s absolutely nothing wrong with going to a friend or family member when you need advice. It is just good practice to start with God. Don’t leave him out of the equation! 

These journal prompts might not be directly related to your problem but they will definitely help to give you clarity that will help guide you in the right direction. 

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Option #3: Use the Christian Journal Reflections when you feel like God has abandoned you

I’ll be honest, this is the hardest advice for me to follow.

When I feel like God has left me to fend for myself, the last thing I want to do is go to him for comfort.

I’d rather have wine and Netflix when I’m feeling completely overwhelmed. 

But the times that I have chosen to go to God in these moments have been hugely beneficial. I recover from my despair a lot faster and I receive comfort from being reminded that God was there all along. 

And that is why I recommend this time to you.

On those days where you feel like you are getting zero support from God, these journal prompts will make a world of a difference! 

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Option #4: Use these Christian reflections on days when you feel amazing! 

Just as it is important for you to reflect on God’s goodness on days when you feel less-than-perfect, it can be even better for you to reflect on these prompts when you are feeling on top of the world- especially if you record it. 

Sometimes on those difficult days, you’re going to find it harder to think of all of the ways that God has come through for you and blessed you.

On your good days, you will be able to come up with loads of examples!

The records you take of those good days will be really helpful in your difficult seasons of life because you will be able to look at old records to be reminded that God does answer prayers and that he will be there for you now, too. 

The reflections you have on a good day can help pull you out of a bad place later on. 

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31 Christian Journal Prompts to Strengthen your Faith

  1. Where do you stand in a relationship with God right now? Is he a friend? A coach? A father? Or maybe just an acquaintance? 
  2. Do you feel like God is listening to your prayers? Why or why not? 
  3. What specific prayers, big or small, has God answered recently? 
  4. When you talk to God, do you feel like you are holding back or are you acting like yourself when you talk to him? 
  5. Do you feel like you are expecting too much from God? Or do you feel like you are expecting too little from him? Why do you feel that way? 
  6. What is something that you have given up praying for? Start praying for it again- God is listening!
  7. Is there a Bible verse or a phrase that God has been bringing to your mind a lot lately? What do you think you should do with that information? 
  8. Is there a person that God has been bringing to your mind a lot lately? What do you think you should do with that information? 
  9. How have you been feeling after reading your Bible or praying lately? What changes could you try to make the time more fulfilling or encouraging? 
  10. Consider what has happened this past month that you wouldn’t have been able to do without God’s help. How do you know you couldn’t have done it without him?  
  11. What is something happening right now that you can’t accomplish without God’s help? 
  12. Think of a time in your life when you thought God had left you alone. Looking back, do you see what he was doing to help you in this season? 
  13. Read some of your old reflections. How has God shown up for you in the past that can make you feel more confident that he will show up for you now? 
  14. What are some lies you have been believing lately about your own life? Find a Bible verse that corrects these lies and reminds you of the truth. 
  15. What verses in the Bible would be most encouraging to you in this season? Write them down, memorize them, or display them around your home. 
  16. Think of a song, a movie, or an event that has encouraged you recently. Why do you think it spoke to you? What do you think God is trying to tell you with that encouragement? 
  17. If you could come up with one word that would sum up this season of your life, what would it be? Why did you choose that word? 
  18. In what ways do you feel like God has been working on you to make you more like  Jesus? (If you can’t think of anything, consider the fruits of the spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control. Have you noticed improvements in any of these areas?)
  19.  Think of something bad that happened to you recently. Consider five ways that God might use that bad thing for something good.
  20. Think of something that has been challenging recently. How do you think God is using that to help you grow spiritually? 
  21. Was there a time recently when you wish you had gone to God first but didn’t? What could you do differently next time so that you go to him first? 
  22. What are 10 things that God has blessed you with? Try not to think of the obvious things like good health and money for food. Try to find the small pleasures that are often missed. 
  23. What is one thing in your life that you are trying to keep separate from God? Why do you think you are doing that? 
  24. Is there anything you are doing in your spiritual journey that you’re only doing because other people told you that you should?
  25. How are you serving God on a daily basis? It doesn’t have to be something big- it could be something as simple as sweeping the floor so your husband doesn’t have to. 
  26. Are there any acts of service that are making you feel angry or overwhelmed? Consider finding a different, more fulfilling way to serve. 
  27. Do you feel like you are using all of the talents God gave you this year? If not, what could you change so that you are using them? 
  28. If you could choose one spiritual ideal to have right now, what would you want? (ie. patience, wisdom, empathy for others, knowing the right words to say to a friend, etc.) Don’t hesitate to ask for it!
  29. Is there any part of your personality that you are hiding from the people around you? Why do you think that you are hiding that part of who you are? 
  30. What is one small thing that you feel God is asking you to do this week?
  31. What is one small thing that you can do today that will help you feel closer to God? 
"31 writing prompts to deepen your relationship with God."

Frequently Asked Questions

What do you write in a Christian journal? 

Christian journals are very similar to regular journals. The main difference is that you are not simply writing, but you are writing to someone.

Instead of complaining about a problem in your journal, you can complain to God and ask him to intervene. Instead of being happy about a particular event, you can praise and give thanks to the God who gave you that good experience. 

You don’t have to journal in order to have a relationship with God, but for those who enjoy writing, this is a great way to connect with him. 

Here is a list of different things you can write in your Christian journal: 

  • Praise and Gratitude for things in your life
  • Bible verses you love
  • Lessons you learned from different forms of media
  • Sermon notes
  • Prayer requests
  • Answered prayers
  • Truths about God 
  • Truths about how God feels about you
  • Reflections about your spiritual growth
  • Drawings and art that inspire you
  • Anything you want to bring to God! 

Related Post: The Only Monthly Reflection Template You Need for Spiritual Growth

How do I start a spiritual journal? 

You don’t need much to start a spiritual journal. When I first started to journal about my spiritual growth, I just used some random pieces of scrap paper. Later, I got a binder to put the papers in, and now I have a notebook that collects all of my thoughts. 

When I want to be inspired to write, I like to get a pretty journal that I look forward to using every day. This journal is a great one to inspire writing:

Breathe Spiral Bound Journal – Prima – My Prima Planner

If you like to use a mix of different styles of journaling (drawing, writing, crafts), then a bullet journal would be a good fit for you. Here is a cute bullet journal to get you started:

Cherry Tart Canvo Journal – Catherine Pooler

If paper and notebooks don’t appeal to you, that’s totally fine, too! Use your phone if you want! There is no wrong answer in how you choose to chat with God. 

If it helps, I would suggest you think of your current relationships on earth. How do you like to connect with friends and family? Connect with God the same way. 

For example, the pastor at my church never writes on paper because he gets too distracted that way. During his first half-hour of work, he sits in his office and types out his prayers to God.

On Youtube, there are lots of Christians that share their prayer approach and all of them are uniquely different.

There is no concrete way to relate with God, so you will need to discover your own personal approach as you go! 

Can you pray to God by writing? 

Thanks to the Holy Spirit that lives in us, every moment of living is a prayer to God.

Prayer comes in so many shapes and forms, and writing is definitely one of them! Even your crying can be a form of prayer. God is flexible and he will come to you where you are. 

Final Notes

Any time I talk about something like this, I want to be extremely clear that this is by no means an expectation in your walk with Christ.

I genuinely believe that there is no such thing as a ‘strong Christian’.

No one is better than anyone else and anything that we have achieved is through the grace of God. No one got to where they are in their relationship with God because of their own strength and you won’t, either. 

I am saying this because I don’t want you to be discouraged if you don’t do regular reflections or prayer or whatever else I mention.

This is simply an activity that I enjoy and wanted to share, not one that sets any sort of standard for your own relationship with God.

Try it if you want, or don’t!

It won’t make you any better or worse in God’s eyes- he loves you just the same regardless of where you are at in life. 

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I hope that this list of Christian journal prompts has given you inspiration today! If you are looking for ways to grow your faith or to help you grow closer to God, then this activity might be a good fit for you. Try it out yourself to see what you think! 

What sort of things do you do that help you feel closer to God? 

A pink background with a grey heart and the author's signature. The text says, "With Love, Genesis"

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Meet the Blogger!

Genesis is a former elementary teacher and an avid writer. She has always been passionate about discovering new routines and systems for her life, and now she spends her time sharing those systems with others so that they can live a simpler life that is built for their unique needs. She believes that we all have the power to live an authentic life that never feels like a ‘daily grind’, and her goal at In Its Season is to do everything she can to help others create that life for themselves through habit-building, routine-development, and lifestyle tips. Read more about the author and what her site is about.

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  1. Nicole Anderson

    I love the list of prompts you have included as a means for anyone of faith to start a journal. I totally agree that journaling can be a form of prayer and so many can definitely benefit from putting their thoughts into the written word. Just this process allows for greater reflection and understanding and of course, remains there for you to review at whatever time in the future. Some great promoters and food for thought here.

    • Genesis Sampson

      I totally agree! journaling is so good to encourage reflection and also help you gain clarity in the future. I’m glad you enjoyed it!

  2. Kelly Bolen

    This is great! What a wonderful way to reflect!

    • Genesis Sampson

      I’m glad you enjoyed it, Kelly! I’m a big fan of reflection- as long as we know when it’s time to let it go!

  3. Linda

    Reading through these prompts and your approaches reminds me that journaling your conversations to God is the ultimate safe space. I think capturing these thoughts/conversations/prayers is such a great idea so you can come back to remind yourself where you’ve been, how you’ve grown and what you’ve learned.

    • Genesis Sampson

      Yes, I completely agree! It has been so helpful to read some of my old conversations with God and see how he has come through for me time and time again. It makes it easier during those moments of doubt.

  4. Janette Foreman

    What a thought-provoking list of prompts! Thank you for posting them, plus tips on how to journal and pray. I recently started writing down my prayers, and wow, does it make a difference! I’m so much more present and aware when I pray now. And I look forward to going back through my prayers over time, seeing how God has been working in my life and in the lives of others. Thank you!

    • Genesis Sampson

      I’m so glad you enjoyed them! I agree, it is easier to be more aware of what you are praying about each day when you write it down. It makes such a difference!

  5. simplyjolayne

    I love these prompts. For all those moments when you just don’t know what to write.

    • Genesis Sampson

      Absolutely! I often know what to write about, but on those days where I need a little inspiration, this list works wonders!

  6. Adelaide

    Genesis, thank you for this incredibly detailed list! #7 got me— there is something that I have given up praying for. Thank you for the reminder that I shouldn’t drop praying just because I haven’t seen answers yet. Thanks again!

    • Genesis Sampson

      I’m so glad this spoke to you! I often give up on prayers that take a long time and this question helps remind me to keep praying for it. God’s timing is not easy to understand but it is always perfect! Keep on asking him! 🙂

  7. Lisa

    Genesis, this article has so many great ideas! I totally agree about the value of reflecting on God’s goodness and all the blessings in our lives. It is so easy to focus on our perceived lack rather than the goodness and faithfulness of God. Perspective is so huge in life, especially when it comes to our relationship with the Lord. Thanks for these awesome ideas.

    • Genesis Sampson

      I am coming to realize the same thing more and more each day! God is so good but with the wrong perspective, it can be hard to notice just how good he really is. Thanks for adding your own thoughts!

  8. Sarah Althouse

    I am going to use these prompts for my women’s bible study this week!

    • Genesis Sampson

      Sarah, that makes me so happy to hear! I hope that the women in your Bible study are able to get something out of it! 🙂

  9. Brian

    Been doing some research on journaling and you are the only person who said you can journal without recording anything if you want lol.

    I like that as well.

    I heard you mention Notion as a journal. Been hearing a lot of bloggers talking about Notion.

    Think I will look into it to see if it has anything that will help to start being a journal person as well.

    Great post

    • Genesis Sampson

      Thanks for the comments, Brian! Yes, for someone like me who often worries too much about things needing to be perfect, doing journaling without needing to ever keep the finished product can be a real game changer. And I’d definitely recommend Notion! I use it for so many things now.

  10. Brittany

    Thank you for sharing such wonderful prompts. They helped me connect with the Lord on a new level tonight so I really appreciate it!

    • Genesis Sampson

      I’m so happy that this was helpful to you! Thank you for sharing 🙂


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I am a person who loves the simple things in life and wants to encourage you with the joys of everyday routines. Read more about what I’m all about and how I came to realize the importance of living out my most authentic life.

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