How To Deal With Stress: One Christian Habit That Makes All The Difference

May 29, 2020

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Even when prayer is a daily part of our routine, it is not natural to go to God when dealing with stress. Find out how developing this one habit of turning to God first will make everything easier for you!

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Whenever I used to deal with stressful situations, I’d predictably go through the same song and dance.

I think I can handle the situation. I try a thousand different things, failing every time.

Finally, I fall into despair, knowing that I can’t deal with the stress alone.

Then, after all of that struggling, I finally turn to God and instantly feel better. But by that point, I’m kicking myself for trying all of these pointless things when I knew God should have been the first person I turned to.

Sounds like an exhausting cycle, right?

I want to share with you an important truth that can change the way you deal with stress forever and give you peace no matter what situation you are dealing with. It involves developing the habit of turning to God immediately rather than using him as a last resort.

Keep reading to find out how to develop a routine for when you are stressed that will actually help you!

"One easy habit to help you deal with stress and connect with God"

How to Handle Stress in a Healthy Way

I’ve tried dealing with stress and anxiety many ways in the past.

Sometimes, when I feel like my world is spinning out of control, I try to spend my time doing something I know I can control. 

That usually involves diving a tad too deep into my work or organizing my entire house. Anything that makes me feel like I have some semblance of control.

Other times I try to numb my mind. I was a serious pro at (an online game) by the end of one particularly stressful period of my life. Netflix has also been my mind-numbing therapist more than once in my lifetime, and it probably won’t be the last. 

These are all great ways to manage stress. But I can tell you with absolute certainty that I am missing out on the best strategy out there.

The only thing getting in my way is the pride I hold onto that insists that I am in charge of my own life.

So what is this strategy I’m talking about? Here it is in a nutshell:

When dealing with stress, God is not a last resort.

The absolute best strategy out there to manage a stressful situation is to turn to the one being that you know can help you through it.

I will explain later why this is the most effective way to approach stress, but first I want to share a story that will help.

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Storytime: The Boy and the Backpack

A little boy and his father are getting ready to go to the park.

The little boy wants to put some of his toys and snacks into his backpack. However, once he fills up his bag, he realizes it’s too full.

He can’t zip the bag closed.

His father waits and watches him while he lets out a frustrated sigh and tries to force the bag to close. When this doesn’t work, he tries to stuff his things further into his bag. When even this doesn’t work, he gives up and decides he will just walk with an open bag.

His dad asks, “Do you need help, kiddo?”, but he feels embarrassed and insists he can do it on his own.

As they start walking down the street, the things in his still-open bag start to fall out.

Getting a little teary now, he picks up his toys and tries to stuff them back into his bag. It doesn’t take long, though, before he realizes that it’s just not going to work.

He considers going back home, but he really wants to go to the park.

Feeling a little embarrassed, he looks to his dad, who is patiently waiting for him. He asks, “Daddy, can you help me?”

And of course, his dad immediately comes to his aid. He expertly packs his bag and zips it up. He even carries it for him on the way to the park. 

Now, maybe this exact scenario didn’t happen to you before.

But I’m sure everyone can think of a time where it would have saved them a lot of stress, time, and effort if they had just admitted that they needed help.

Let’s take a look at the same story- but this time, the boy decides to ask for help right away. 

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An image of a girl with messy hair in a sweater. She is sitting on steps and looking stressed.
Photo by Nick Karvounis on Unsplash

Story #2: The Boy and the Backpack [Alternate Ending]

A little boy and his father are getting ready to go to the park.

The little boy wants to put some of his toys and snacks into his backpack, but once he fills up his bag, he realizes it’s too full and he can’t zip the bag closed.

His father waits and watches him while he lets out a frustrated sigh and tries to force the bag to close.

After realizing that he wasn’t strong enough or good enough at packing to get everything to fit, he goes to his dad a little upset.

“Daddy,” he says, “I can’t fit all of this into my backpack, but I want to take it with me to the park. Can you do it?”

And with this simple request, his father helps him zip up his bag and carries it while they walk to the park together, hand in hand. 

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Which story sounded less stressful to you?

Obviously, the boy in the second story had a much easier time preparing for his trip to the park than the first.

Was the boy in the first story wrong to try to do it himself?

No, but it certainly didn’t help anybody. He only ended up more frustrated, and he missed out on a great opportunity to connect in a very special way with his dad. 

And this is where my point comes in:

We often fail to turn to God for problems that he could help us with.

Just like the boy in the story, we try a multitude of other things. We get more frustrated in the process until we finally let go of our pride and ask God for help.

Imagine how much easier life would be for us if we could just turn to God right away instead of insisting that we can handle it ourselves!

I’m not saying that there is anything wrong with using other methods to manage our stress. However, our problems would not seem so big if we first saw the amazing help that God is eager to offer us. 

So why exactly is it important for us to make God our panic button in times of trouble?

Why shouldn’t we try to solve the problem on our own first?

It’s not unreasonable to say that there are plenty of times when we don’t turn to God and still get our problems fixed. But we are definitely missing out on some amazing things when we don’t include him right away in all of our problems. 

By including God the moment we have a problem, we are able to make better, more Christ-centered decisions right away.

We experience more peace in the process, and we have the opportunity to see God at work in our lives. We may even have an opportunity to see his miracles!

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One Habit that will Help You Deal with Stress the Right Way

Dealing with stress doesn’t have to be some complicated routine. It requires one simple habit that is sure to make all the difference:

Make God your “First Response”

When God is your “First Response”, this means that you come to him immediately whenever a new problem arises.

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Three Benefits of Turning to God Right Away When Dealing With Stress

Benefit #1: Our ‘First Response’ God can help us make wiser decisions right from the start when dealing with stress.

When we try to solve our problems on our own, we often fail to consider Christ in our decisions.

We might try to find a solution through selfish or lazy means.

Trying to do things alone might work, but they often won’t be the best approach we could have had.

God has perfect plans and such a creative mind. Asking him first will save you from a lot of temptation later on.

God is a fount of knowledge that we can benefit from if we just ask. 

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.

James 1:5

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Benefit #2: Our ‘First Response’ God can give us more peace in the process when dealing with stress.

My husband and I have definitely felt that peace in one of our toughest moments.

When we were in a difficult situation in Japan, we had to decide where we were going to fly next. We were torn between going to our home in China or going to stay with family in Canada.

When we asked God, it was clear that Canada was where he wanted us, so that’s where we went.

New problems were arising every day.

There was no way of knowing what the right call for us was with certainty.

But because God was included in the initial decision, we could wake up every day in peace.

We knew that God was involved and was watching over us.

It was the right decision because it was suggested by God himself, and God doesn’t make mistakes!

There is no way we, as humans, could possibly foresee the things in store for us.

Choosing to include the author of our lives can bring so much peace to us as we navigate life, even when the journey remains difficult. 

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:6-7

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Benefit #3: Our ‘First Response’ God can reveal his amazing power and love to us when dealing with stress.

God wants to give us love and support, but like any loving parent, he wants you to ask for help when you are dealing with stress.

When you ask God for help and support, he will hold nothing back. In fact, he will eagerly give you more than you ask for.

Sure, with a lot of effort, you can probably solve most problems on your own. However, when you invite God into those times with you, it is amazing the way that he makes a difference!

He often won’t just solve your problem, but he will do it in a way that only he can.

It is such a joy to be involved in that!

God knows how to give generously, and he will do so if you just ask. Don’t let pride stop you from accepting what he has for you. 

If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him.

Luke 11: 13

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How your character changes when you make God your “First Response”

Asking God to help you when you are dealing with stress can definitely make some things easier.

Additionally, making God the first thing you turn to can also do some pretty amazing stuff within you.

Character Change #1: You Develop Humility

To ask God to help you immediately after a problem occurs, you have to be able to admit to yourself that someone else is in charge.

By making a practice of this habit, it will really help to develop humility in yourself.

For me, this has been the thing that often stops me from turning to God for things. I hope that, eventually, I will be humble enough to turn to God with every problem, not just the ones that are obviously too big for me to handle.

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Character Change #2: You Grow Your Faith and Build a Closer Relationship with God

To be able to recognize God’s ability to help you will also help to develop faith.

When you are able to repeatedly witness God’s strength, it gets easier to believe that he is capable and willing to do great things in your life.

And finally, involving God in your problems can help develop your personal relationship with God.

Here’s another story for you…

When I had first started dating my husband, he once asked me to go with him to the store so I could help him find a new pair of shoes.

I was happy to go with him and be a part of the process, but I could see that this was an easy decision he could have made himself.

I asked him why he was asking my advice on something so trivial, and he said, “I like to ask for help from people even when I don’t necessarily need it. I’ve found that people really like being a part of the decision. It helps me grow a deeper relationship with them.”

I was dumbfounded!

Personally, I have always been the type of girl that just wants to get stuff done without help from others.

There never seemed to be any point in asking for advice when I didn’t need it.

When he explained its purpose to me this way, my whole perspective changed.

Now I find great joy in asking for help and advice from others. It has helped me to connect with people in a way I never had before, and it has been a truly wonderful experience!

In the same way, our relationship deepens with God when we learn to ask him for help in even the smallest problems. 

Quick Tips on How to Build the Habit of Making God your First Response

  • When you start experiencing stress, instead of turning to tv or food or complaining to a friend, turn first to God.
  • Find a quiet place where you won’t be distracted, and just sit with God.
  • Write down your thoughts, speak your worries out loud, or just sit in silence with him.  Focus on him until your problems feel a little smaller. Ask him for advice the way you would a friend, then move on when you feel ready.
  • Watch the amazing way it changes you and your relationship with God!

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When dealing with stress, the best thing you can do is come to God first with your problems. He can help you make wise decisions, and you will feel more at peace with your choices. Best of all, your relationship with God will develop in more intimate ways. Make a habit of coming to him with everything, and you will be sure to find more peace in your life, no matter what season you are in!

What do you do to handle stress?

An image with a pink background, a grey heart, and the author's signature. The text says, "with love, Genesis"

Want More?

This post was inspired by a book I’ve been loving lately called “Unshaken” by Cindie Claypool de Neve and Sally Burke. It is a great book about the power of prayer. It speaks largely about how prayer can make us unshaken in the face of difficulties and will be sure to help you if you are looking for more ways to deal with stress in your life.

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Meet the Blogger!

Genesis is a former elementary teacher and an avid writer. She has always been passionate about discovering new routines and systems for her life, and now she spends her time sharing those systems with others so that they can live a simpler life that is built for their unique needs. She believes that we all have the power to live an authentic life that never feels like a ‘daily grind’, and her goal at In Its Season is to do everything she can to help others create that life for themselves through habit-building, routine-development, and lifestyle tips. Read more about the author and what her site is about.

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I am a person who loves the simple things in life and wants to encourage you with the joys of everyday routines. Read more about what I’m all about and how I came to realize the importance of living out my most authentic life.

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