How to Find Satisfaction in Every Season of Life

July 13, 2020

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In a world full of side hustles, productivity, and materialism, it can be so hard to feel happy about what you have achieved or what you own. There is always someone else out there with more. How can you ever feel like you measure up? But what if I told you there was no need to compare? This post is all about how to stop striving for the world’s idea of “success” and instead find personal satisfaction in every season of your life.

(This post is part 4 of a 5 part series all about finding joy and satisfaction in every season of life. To read more, visit these pages: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3).

Have you ever had a moment where you heard about someone else’s achievement and, instead of feeling happy for them, your instant response was what am I doing with my life?

In my English classes in university, I often read novels from authors that were writing influential material since age 16. 

Man, I’m 26 and I haven’t written anything half as good. 

What if we just…stopped comparing? 

Imagine if we stopped looking at other people’s lives, wishing we could achieve as much as they have? What if we finally accepted our own stories, recognizing that it is great because it is unique?

Imagine the joy and freedom we could have if we just allowed ourselves to live our lives without fear of falling behind the ‘average’ person! We could live every day proud of where we are, recognizing that our individual journey brought us to this moment. Finally, we could be at peace with every event that comes our way. 

Let me tell you a story. 

I have always hated running. In elementary school, I dreaded the track and  field day. It was the day when all of the kids would compete in a series of races to win awards and bragging rights for the year. 

Every year, I would run a race myself.

And every year, I would end up with an asthma attack, brought on by the severe anxiety I experienced from the stress of competition.

I distinctly remember feeling perfectly fine until I saw another student pass me. The stress of seeing them run faster than me while I was already giving everything I had sent me into horrible panic attacks every time. 

Many, many years later, I got married to a man who absolutely LOVES running. 

For a long time, I refused to go with him, choosing swimming and dance as my preferred modes of exercise. But he offered to teach me how to run, and eventually, I decided to try it again after all those years. 

On our first run, he taught me the proper form, as well as a healthier way to breathe. But the thing that changed everything was this ONE RULE: 

I got to set the pace. 

He never made me run when I didn’t want to. He always let me set the pace. I would run until I didn’t want to run anymore, and then we would stop. 

And guess what? 


I couldn’t believe it! When there was no one to compare myself to, when I was simply running because it was something enjoyable I could do with my husband, it became something completely new to me.

The even crazier thing was that, even though I wasn’t planning a rigorous exercise routine, I did, in fact, get better. A LOT better. 

It’s the same in everyday life. When we go through life constantly comparing ourselves to others, we are bound to feel the anxiety of falling behind.

We can’t even begin  to know what is going on in someone else’s life. At the surface, another person’s life is almost always going to feel superior to yours. 

So stop with the comparisons.

Run your own race at your own pace.

The life set out for you is yours and yours alone.

Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.

Hebrews 12:1

It doesn’t say anything about winning. It really doesn’t matter who runs the fastest.

The point is that you run the best way you know how

So when you wake up each morning, and before you go to bed each night, don’t let your mind wander to comparison.

Now, that might be easier said than done.

Let’s take a look at three important principles that you can put into practice to help you run your own life race without feeling like you need to be better. 

How to Find Satisfaction in Every Season of Life

"How to find satisfaction in every season of life."

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Principle #1: Enjoy the season you’re in without comparing it to those around you.

Your experiences are meant for you.

Enjoy them without feeling like you have to be better or do more. You are wonderful and accepted just as you are.

This doesn’t mean that giving up is the best option. In your acceptance, you can now have the freedom to do your best work without any fear of losing that acceptance.

Be very careful, then, how you live- not  as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity.

Ephesians 5:15

You don’t have to pave your own way or search for other people’s opportunities to be “successful”.

Instead, simply see the opportunity you have today to do good work, and try your best!

Work hard without comparing yourself to those around you. 

Related Post: 31 Unique Christian Journal Prompts To Strengthen Your Faith

Principle #2: Enjoy the skills and talents you have been given without desiring someone else’s.

Even in our own bodies, everything has a specific skill and a specific purpose.

Your eyes never get jealous of your ears for their ability to hear better. Instead, your eyes try to see the best they can every day.

They do only their work, not the work of another body part.

We can learn from our own bodies. If you are a good singer, don’t look at the drummer wishing that you had their abilities- use yours!

Each one should test his own actions. Then he can take pride in himself, without comparing himself to somebody else.

Galatians 6:4

Appreciate the talents you have. They are unique and they are amazing

No one else can do what you do or be who you are. 

Don’t waste your time trying to be someone else.

Aim to be as authentically you as possible, and you will be living an absolutely unique and beautiful life! 

Principle #3: Don’t let other people convince you that you should be in a different season than you are in.

This is the principle I struggle with the most. Maybe you feel fine about where you are. But then when you start talking to friends and family, they suggest that you should be moving faster than you are in life. 

For example, maybe your friends think you should be living in a nicer place. Perhaps your grandparents think you should have a more ‘responsible’ job. It could be that your parents are eager for a grandchild. You might even be discouraged when your younger siblings seem to be surpassing you in achievement. 

On your own, you felt fine, but other people’s opinions and comparisons swayed your opinion. 

Don’t listen to them! 

People can definitely give suggestions for improvement out of love, and it is important to recognize that. We should always be humble and open to suggestion when it comes to our lives, and sometimes our loved ones will have something to say that is useful and wise. 

But when the conversation is not made up of loving feedback and constructive criticism, it’s no longer helpful.

If, at any point, your conversation with someone is not making you feel accepted, it is not constructive. At that point, it has become negative and solely based on comparison. 

Your season of life is between you and God. It is not meant for anyone else to judge, just as you have no place to judge others. 

So take what people say with a grain of salt.

See if  there’s anything you do think would be helpful, but otherwise, MOVE ON!

Let God move you in the direction he wants, not anybody else. 

"Ways to find joy in any season of life 
1. Stop comparing yourself to those around you
2. Enjoy the talents and skills you have been given without desiring someone else's
3. Don't let other people convince you that you should be doing better"

This Daily Struggle is Why I Started In Its Season

My heart is with anyone who feels they have to hide who they are because they feel like they won’t be accepted otherwise.

My hope is that this website will be full of helpful information that can encourage you to move forward in your life at your own pace.

Everything I share is something that I have personally gone through, and much of it will be about things I am currently struggling with.

This post is a perfect example!

At the time of writing this, I have finished my last teaching contract and am living in Canada with my family and my husband.

Neither of us have a job lined up for this coming year.

This will be my first year EVER to do something that is not related to teaching children.

My identity is being shaken and prodded, and it is a scary time. But I am currently trying to give myself permission to simply accept my position and be open and honest with others about that struggle.

As I learn to strengthen my relationship with God so that I can have an unshakable faith in every season, I want to share those things with you.

If what I share helps even one person in their journey, it will have been worth it. 

So my encouragement to you is this: in every season you find yourself, make the most of  it! Don’t try to rush the process. Accept wherever you are and go at your own pace. If other people try to tell you that you are missing the mark, know that it is NOT TRUE. Everyone has areas of weakness, and we are all in the process of mending ourselves. It is not a race. Nor is it a competition. It is a personal journey, and you have permission to be exactly where you are right now- no more, no less. 

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"How to Stop comparing yourself and find joy where you are right now."

Want to Read More?

“Coffee with Gratitude” has a great post that asks some good questions about why we compare ourselves to others and gives ideas on how to stop.

Sabria Sparrow offers up some good tips on how to stop comparing ourselves to others.

“Moneyhabitmuse” gives some great actionable things you can do to help stop the comparison from getting out of control.

Want updates from In Its Season? Follow on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest for more inspiration!

Meet the Blogger!

Genesis is a former elementary teacher and an avid writer. She has always been passionate about discovering new routines and systems for her life, and now she spends her time sharing those systems with others so that they can live a simpler life that is built for their unique needs. She believes that we all have the power to live an authentic life that never feels like a ‘daily grind’, and her goal at In Its Season is to do everything she can to help others create that life for themselves through habit-building, routine-development, and lifestyle tips. Read more about the author and what her site is about.

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Welcome to In Its Season, a place for you to discover routines and habits for a better life, homemaking tips for managing your home without overcomplicating things, and Christian living tips to help you grow closer to God.

I am a person who loves the simple things in life and wants to encourage you with the joys of everyday routines. Read more about what I’m all about and how I came to realize the importance of living out my most authentic life.

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