Where to Get the Best Legal Bundle for your Blog!

July 10, 2020

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Starting a blog is a daunting task to begin with. There is so much to do, and there is so much information out there! It’s hard to know where to start. The legal complications are even harder to deal with, especially if you’re not a lawyer. Read on to learn about the BEST legal bundle available and save yourself a ton of time and money. All the information you will need is right here!

Ok, so you’ve started a blog. Now what?

There is so much to do and so much information to take in. It’s hard to know where to start.

Not long ago, I was in that very situation. The mish-mash of stress and excitement is still fresh in my mind.

It is so exciting to start a new creative project that you are eager to share with others. But it is also nerve-racking to think of all the things that could go wrong in the process.

For me, the thing that scared me the most was the legal side of things.

I love writing and producing content, but I don’t speak legalese. I knew absolutely nothing about the legal side of blogging. However, the more I researched how to start a blog, the more sure I was that at least a little knowledge about legalizing my site was necessary.

So I educated myself.

I started by taking a course that gave me a lot of the basic understanding that I needed about how to legally prepare my blog (It was free when I took it, but I cannot promise it will remain that way in the future). But I still needed a lawyer to prepare some of my pages for me.

I was NOT about to pay a lawyer by the hour, but what else could I do?

That was when I met Amira.

Her blog was comprehensive and friendly, and her legal bundle was quick, inexpensive, and painless to add to my own blog. In only one work session, I was able to purchase the legal pages, edit them, and publish them to my site without a single tear shed. It was a miracle!

It saved me a lot of trouble, and so I wanted to share it with you in case you find yourself in the same position. Trust me, it is well worth it!

In this post, I want to tell you what I learned about what legal pages you need on your site, why those pages are necessary, and how you can get some peace of mind with Amira’s legal bundle. I hope it helps you as much as it has helped me!

If you are already convinced and just want to get started with your legal pages, you can get the legal bundle here. Otherwise, keep reading for more information!

Where to Get the Best Legal Bundle for your Blog!

"Where to get the best legal bundle for your blog."

This page contains affiliate links, which means that I may receive a commission, at zero extra cost to you, if you choose to make a purchase through my links. For more information, see my disclaimer. Additionally, I am not a lawyer, so this post is not professional legal advice. This information is what I found from research on legal blogs that I reference in this post.

What Legal Pages do I need?

There are four legal pages that you absolutely must have on your site if you want to protect yourself legally.

You will need a privacy policy, a disclaimer, terms and conditions, and disclosures.

Most of these pages are hefty and have a lot of legal lingo. Here we will go over the different pages and what the purpose of each one is. I promise, it won’t be too technical; it’s just the basics!

Privacy Policy

As its name states, the privacy policy is telling the visitor about how the information that they give will be used.

There are lots of ways that we use a person’s information on our websites (if you have any analytics on your site, you are definitely using their information). None of them are harmful, but it is important people still know about it.

For the sake of transparency, this privacy policy tells you how it’s going to be used and gives the option for the visitor to opt out.

There is an entire page dedicated to a privacy policy that gives a ton of information about how visitor data will be used. If you want to check out my privacy policy, you can see my page here.

You will also need one of these little guys on your website to allow people to opt out of giving up personal information.


It really doesn’t matter what your niche is for blogging- you WILL be providing people with opinions and information.

When you do, people will use that information and, ideally, be helped by it.

But hey, not every problem has a one-size-fits-all solution. When it doesn’t work out for someone, they have the right to complain about your advice…and possibly sue you.

Yah, not exactly a walk in the park.

A disclaimer is going to save you from this problem.

Basically, it is you saying that you cannot be held liable for the things you say on your site. You are making it clear that this is your opinion or your experience, but it might not work for everyone.

It will give you the freedom to say what you feel needs to be said without the fear that someone is going to throw your words back at you with a lawsuit.

It will definitely help you breathe easier at night.

Additionally, your disclaimer will allow transparency about any affiliate marketing you get involved in. It outlines the fact that you might make money when visitors click on products on your site.

Check out my disclaimer here if you want to get an idea of what it looks like.


This one is not so much an actual page, but something you should have on every page that has affiliate products or is a sponsored post.

Your disclosure provides transparency to its readers that you will be making an income from the things that they buy on your site. If you plan on being a part of an affiliate or sponsor program, it is something you will absolutely need.

Your disclosure will direct visitors to your disclaimer, which also outlines this information.

Terms and Conditions

This page is a good one to have to save you any trouble with lawsuits or issues with visitors on your site.

Your Terms and Conditions are essentially the rules that you set up for your site. When people come to your site, you want to make it clear how you expect them to behave while they are there.

For example, when you go to a store, you know that you are not allowed to steal their products or try to sell your own products. You know that if you show misconduct, they have every right to ask you to leave the store.

In the same way, when people “enter” your corner of the internet, they know that it would be inappropriate to steal your words or to try to put spam on your site. Your terms and conditions also lay out what will happen if these expectations are not met.

Additionally, this page outlines where you want any potential court hearings to take place. Without indicating this, you might end up having to fly halfway across the world to deal with things in court. Your Terms and Conditions save you a lot of trouble in the long run.

Check out my Terms and Conditions here for an idea of what it looks like.

You also need a site that is GDPR and CCPA compliant

Your site will give you access to people all around the world in an instant. This means that you have to make sure that your site complies with laws from all around the world.

There are two in particular that require some extra attention.

The first is the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).

This regulation is meant to protect personal data for the European Union. To comply with these laws, you need all the same legal pages. But you also need a cookie pop-up or plug-in (I use “Cookie Notice” on WordPress). You also need to make sure that people must give their full consent before being added to an email list, and they always need the option to unsubscribe.

These things are nice to have for all people using your site, but it is especially necessary for people protected by the GDPR.

The CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act) is very similar.

It aims to protect people’s personal information. For this act in particular, they need to be able to opt out of giving their personal information, and it needs to be made clear that you are not going to be selling their information to anyone.

Again, this is a feature that is just good practice in general, but it is also necessary to comply with the CCPA.

The pages I got from the legal bundle already have these two acts in mind, so the necessary information is provided within the legal documents.

Why do you need these legal pages?

I know it’s a lot of trouble to come up with these legal pages. At this point, you may be trying to convince yourself that you don’t actually need these legal documents.

But let me tell you, they are absolutely necessary. It is just too risky not to include them. You could lose a lot more time and money by refusing to put them into your site. It really is best to just do it as soon as possible and be done with it.

In case you need more convincing, I have some additional reasons why it’s good to have your own legal bundle on your site.

Reason #1: It will make your website more official and trustworthy

Have you ever gone in to work in track pants and a sweatshirt? Even in places where that would be permitted, it doesn’t feel appropriate.

You want to dress for the part you are playing at work, and sweats just don’t cut it.

You try to wear professional clothes because you want to be seen as a professional.

It’s the same with blogs.

How you dress up your site matters.

If you do not include legal pages, people will automatically place you in a tier below the more serious bloggers. It is harder to trust a site that fails to include the legal details.

So make it clear to others that you are serious about your blog and include the legal lingo on your site.

Reason #2: It will keep you out of trouble

As you’ve seen, there are a lot of ways that what you write on your blog could get you in trouble. It is bound to be a potential issue in any area where your opinions and knowledge are being shared.

But you can easily protect yourself with a few legal pages.

It saves you a lot of money and time in the long run. And for those of you who are worriers (like me!), it really does give you some peace of mind every night.

Reason #3: It will help you establish boundaries with visitors on your site

My years as a teacher really makes me value this one. Oftentimes in the classroom, the students struggled with behaviour the most on days that had no clear schedules or boundaries.

They just need a few clear guidelines to help them out, and almost all of the behavioural struggles in their day would go away.

It’s the same on a website. When the boundaries are clearly laid out, everyone knows how to behave properly. It can make everyone feel safer in that space, knowing that these boundaries will be respected.

Don’t try to write the pages yourself!

Hopefully by now I’ve been able to show you just how important these legal pages are for your site. Now I want to convince you NOT to try to write them yourself.

Lots of people try to write them on their own or try to find free ones. I had briefly considered doing that myself. But you will quickly learn that doing it this way will take significantly more time and likely won’t cover everything that needs to be covered.

The only way to guarantee that everything is complete and without holes in the documentation is with an actual lawyer. It is your job to know the ins and outs of blogging, but you shouldn’t be expected to get a law degree for the sake of your website.

Don’t lose hope, though!

You don’t necessarily need to drop a ton of money to meet with a lawyer and get them to write everything up for you.

You can save yourself a lot of time by finding a legal blog that has a solid template for sale online.

Let me stress that it should cost you some money. Free templates are not going to cover everything completely, but a paid template from a trusted lawyer (yes, a real and qualified lawyer) is going to protect you fully and save you a ton of time and energy.

Let me save you even more time and tell you how I ended up getting my legal pages quickly and at an extremely reasonable price.

How to get all of these pages in one legal bundle

After I decided that I was definitely going to buy my legal pages from a professional lawyer online, I just had to search around for the right one.

I was looking for someone I could trust and someone who would be able to guide me effectively on how to use the templates on my site.

Hands-down, the best option was Amira from “A Self Guru”.

The reviews she got from the people who had previously used her templates were incredible. Her website was professional, yet approachable. Amira also had a great way of providing instructions that were clear and concise.

So I took the plunge and bought her “Starter Legal Bundle” (Available here).

Her legal bundle included all of the necessary pages to start my site legally AND a couple of bonus templates that will be useful later on.

I was so impressed with what I got.

It took me about an hour to get all of the templates downloaded, personalized, and uploaded to my site. Not only that, but I have these templates for life. Whenever any updates are needed, they are provided for me free of charge.

Amira does more than sell you a product; she connects you to a support community.

I am impressed by Amira’s capabilities and her commitment to helping bloggers figure out the legal challenges that inevitably need to be dealt with.

I would highly recommend you use her products if you are in need of online legal assistance. She’s got three different legal bundles that are way cheaper than any other option I’ve found.

So don’t waste any more time researching other options. Visit this page to get the best possible deal on your own legal bundle today!

Click Here to Get your own Legal Bundle!

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"3 Legal Pages you need before you start a blog"

Here’s a List of all of the Resources Provided in This Post:

This site is where I took a course to learn the basics of my legal obligations as a blogger.

Amira’s law blog can be found here. She is always posting helpful information for bloggers.

Most importantly, I bought my legal bundle on this page. If you are interested in blogging or freelance work of any kind, I would highly recommend you check it out!

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Meet the Blogger!

Genesis is a former elementary teacher and an avid writer. She has always been passionate about discovering new routines and systems for her life, and now she spends her time sharing those systems with others so that they can live a simpler life that is built for their unique needs. She believes that we all have the power to live an authentic life that never feels like a ‘daily grind’, and her goal at In Its Season is to do everything she can to help others create that life for themselves through habit-building, routine-development, and lifestyle tips. Read more about the author and what her site is about.

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Welcome to In Its Season, a place for you to discover routines and habits for a better life, homemaking tips for managing your home without overcomplicating things, and Christian living tips to help you grow closer to God.

I am a person who loves the simple things in life and wants to encourage you with the joys of everyday routines. Read more about what I’m all about and how I came to realize the importance of living out my most authentic life.

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