Amazing Inspiration When You Feel Nothing is Going Right

October 5, 2020

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Amazing Inspiration When You Feel Nothing is going Right

When it rains, it pours.

We’ve all heard that one before. It seems to be the natural way of things, for everything to fall apart all at once instead of a little bit here and there. In life, it often feels like everything is crashing down around you, and none of it seems to have a purpose. And it’s as if nothing can be done. You just have to keep trekking on, trying not to get hit by the debris along the way. 

But there is hope.

More than that, there is an actual purpose for the obstacles you face. From our small perspectives, it can be so hard to see that, but I am here to encourage you today to believe that the struggles you are facing are not accidents. I want to give you some amazing inspiration for when you feel nothing is going right.

The quote I want to share with you explains it beautifully: 

“The world is not falling apart; it’s falling into place.” 

Casting Crowns

Trust that God, the author of the universe, is bringing everything together for his greater purpose, even when everything is going wrong. He’s got a fantastic story written for each of us, and we get to witness how he ties all of the loose threads together to build us up to who we are made to be. If things are falling apart around you, it simply means that your story isn’t over yet. There’s more to be done and more to be discovered. Have patience for things to fall into their proper place, and do what you can to move forward. 

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An image showing a girl on a computer screen with her head resting on a table, as if upset. The text says, "Amazing inspiration when you feel nothing is going right."

If you need help finding hope, just look at your surroundings. 

The world is full of reminders that things fall apart to create a stronger life in the future. When you are aware of them, it can serve as an encouragement to you. Here are some examples of things you see every day that exemplify this

  • There is always darkness before the sun breaks through with daylight
  • There is always a storm before a rainbow
  • The death of one animal brings life to another
  • Children lose their baby teeth to make room for stronger teeth
  • Our body sheds old skin to bring new, refreshed skin
  • A baby bird that leaves its nest for the first time is falling until it finally flies
A GIF showing a baby bird jumping off of a rock, presumably trying to fly.

When we witness these things in the world, we can be reminded that darkness and loss always come before blessings. So spend more time in nature and reap the benefits of what it has to teach us.

When kids lose their teeth, they don’t freak out that their mouths are falling apart. They get excited about the new, bigger teeth coming in! When our world seems to fall apart around us, we can do the same. Don’t be upset when it feels like your life is falling apart. Get excited for what will come because of it! 

Think of your life as an unfinished movie.

There’s always a part in every movie where the main character hits rock bottom. Nothing is going right for them, they feel like they failed, and even the audience can’t see how things will work themselves out.

And yet, they always do!

Why is it that we don’t like to watch movies where nothing goes wrong? Because we are authors fashioned by the author of the universe! We naturally tell stories the way that God tells our stories.

And we know that no good story can go without a problem.

An image showing the arms of a person holding a clapperboard in the middle of a dessert, as if to indicate the beginning of a scene.
Image by stokpic from Pixabay

As storytellers, we understand that a good story involves conflict, and it is the same in our own lives. If you imagine your life playing out like a movie, you will understand that the difficulties you are facing are necessary to push the story forward. Things won’t be falling apart forever; God’s simply not done with you yet! Sometimes, when nothing seems to be going your way, it helps to see it like this.

Now, if none of this is of any comfort to you, I’ve got a few concrete actions you can take to help yourself move forward when everything is going wrong. 

Actionable Things to Do When Nothing is Going Your Way

A GIF of a girl making a gingerbread house, but the house falls apart all at once.

Read your Bible and Pray

The most important thing you can do is stay close to God. He’s the one that will walk you through. Let him give you encouragement and help you in the midst of your struggles. Don’t give up on your daily Bible study! Let your time with God remind you of his love and care.

Talk to Others about your struggle

No one can survive this world alone. Other people can serve as amazing inspiration when you feel nothing is going right. Oftentimes, they will inspire you with encouragement and love. Other times, they might even have stories of similar things that happened to them. So don’t try to be strong and silent; let other people in to your pain.

Appreciate the Good things

When it feels like your life is falling apart, it can help to focus on the things that aren’t going wrong to keep you sane. There will always be something in your life that you can be thankful for, and it can remind you that you still have a lot of blessings while you deal with the difficult stuff. Enjoy life’s simple pleasures no matter what is going on in your life!

Make changes where you can

I’m not suggesting you try to take control of your whole situation; it’s important to recognize that life can’t be controlled by sheer willpower.

HOWEVER, there are small things you can change every day.

You can do small activities to help your anxiety and worry. It might help for you to make a choice to focus more on taking care of yourself or changing your morning routine to help your mood. Whatever it is, take notice of the things you can control and try to work towards those things while you deal with the things you can’t control. 

You can find more actionable ideas in this post about how to deal with stress.


I hope that these words can encourage you today, no matter what it is you are going through. And if you would like this space to be the place where you talk to others about your struggle, please don’t hesitate to write in the comments or email me! I would love nothing more than to be there for you if you are feeling discouraged.

Above all, remember that there is someone who knows A LOT more than you do about your life, and he’s got you covered!

You don’t need to have all the answers; God’s already got them, and you can trust that he’s putting all the pieces together right now! Find peace in that knowledge, and move forward with confidence and hope no matter what season you’re in. 

What about you?

What do you usually do when everything feels like it’s falling apart? Do you wish there was something you would do differently about it? Let us know in the comments section. I’d love to hear from you!

Author's signature with a heart, signed "With Love, Genesis"

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Meet the Blogger!

Genesis is a former elementary teacher and an avid writer. She has always been passionate about discovering new routines and systems for her life, and now she spends her time sharing those systems with others so that they can live a simpler life that is built for their unique needs. She believes that we all have the power to live an authentic life that never feels like a ‘daily grind’, and her goal at In Its Season is to do everything she can to help others create that life for themselves through habit-building, routine-development, and lifestyle tips. Read more about the author and what her site is about.

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Welcome to In Its Season, a place for you to discover routines and habits for a better life, homemaking tips for managing your home without overcomplicating things, and Christian living tips to help you grow closer to God.

I am a person who loves the simple things in life and wants to encourage you with the joys of everyday routines. Read more about what I’m all about and how I came to realize the importance of living out my most authentic life.

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