14 Reasons to Love Coconut Oil as a Minimalist

August 28, 2020

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Do you have way too many things in your house that only have one use? Do you ever wish you just had to buy ONE THING that could do it all? What if I told you that there is a kitchen item that can serve multiple uses in your bathroom, as well? Read on to find out how coconut oil can be a multi-tool for all of your wellness needs!

Do you ever get annoyed at how many products you need to keep in the bathroom? All of the makeup and moisturizers and medicines.

Your counter-top is starting to look like the local pharmacy when you wish it looked liked the local spa!

Well, guess what?

You can change all that with ONE SINGLE KITCHEN ITEM.

With this singular product, you can stop buying at least 14 different drugstore products. Not to mention the cleaning items you won’t have to buy anymore.

Today I want to share with you the magical uses for coconut oil. Coconut oil has so many uses in the bathroom and the kitchen. It will be one of the only wellness items you will need in your bathroom. You can finally have that spa bathroom, because the coconut oil will so many products that are cluttering up your counter!

14 Thrifty Uses for Coconut Oil That You’ll Love

"14 Thrifty Uses for Coconut Oil That You'll Love"

Instead of giving you a list of uses for coconut oil, I want to share with you a list of items that you can replace with coconut oil. There are lots of sites out there that share the benefits and uses for coconut oil, but none that show you what it means for your budget. I want to make it clear that coconut oil can actually be used to save you money and simplify your living. Instead of having a new product for every need, this ONE product can serve many purposes. Simplify your bathroom and your wellness routine by using coconut oil for many purposes!

Products you will Never Need to Buy Again (because Coconut Oil can replace it)


Coconut oil is a great moisturizer all on its own! You just need to scoop a little into your hands and rub it all over. There is no need for extra prep! On thing that I really like to do if I really want to spoil my body is to use coconut oil as a massage oil. In this case, you just warm it up and massage it all over your body. In Ayurvedic practices, it is recommended you massage yourself before hopping into a warm shower. This will help the oil really get into your skin. It also has an added benefit of making you smell great!

Related Post: 11 Summer Skincare Tips for Healthy, Beautiful Skin!

Hand or Foot Cream

Again, coconut oil is a great moisturizer. But what makes it even better for hands and feet is that it has antibacterial properties, as well. It will make sure that your extremities are fed moisture without letting any growths form. If you want a deep, deep moisturizing treat for your hands and feet, put some oil on them and then wear sock or gloves. If you do this overnight, you will wake up with wonderfully soft skin!

Body Scrubs

Coconut oil can mix with lots of things to make a moisturizing and spa-like body scrub. My personal favourite is coconut oil mixed with used coffee grounds. I love the smell, and I feel especially pleased that I get to make use of coffee grounds that would otherwise go in the trash.

Face Exfoliators

I used to find it so annoying that I had to have two separate scrubs: one for my body and one for my face. However, I do understand that it is important that your face gets a gentler treatment than the rest of your body. But the uses for coconut oil abound, and there is a kitchen combo that can help with this, too! Grab some baking soda from your fridge and mix it with some coconut oil for your very own microdermabrasion treatment!

Shaving Cream

Coconut oil can get your skin ready for shaving. Simply apply it the way you would any normal shaving cream! You can also use conditioner as a good replacement for shaving cream.

Hair Masks

Just as coconut oil can moisturize your skin, it makes for a great hair moisturizer, too! Just melt a little and spread it through your hair. Let it sit for as long as you want. At least twenty minutes is ideal, but I’ve left it on all day before, too. It is really just a matter of preference. Rinse it out with shampoo, and your locks will be silky smooth!

Hair Gel

If you ever have a day where the frizz is just too much to handle, a little bit of coconut oil will make it look sleek and controlled. You don’t need a lot at all. Just put a dab of it on your hands and run your hands over the flyaways. It should smooth your hair out without making it look oily.

Cold Sore Cream

If you’ve ever had a cold sore, you’ll know how necessary medication is to help it heal quickly. But among the uses for coconut oil is cold sore ointment! Coconut oil helps to keep the spot moisturized and protected from bacteria. Since it is edible, you don’t have to worry about accidentally ingesting it. And as an added bonus, it tastes good!

Mouth Wash

In Ayurvedic practices, it is recommended to do oil pulling with sesame oil in the winter and coconut oil in the summer. All you need to do is put a little bit of oil in your mouth, swish it around for two minutes, and spit it out in the garbage (if you spit it into the sink, it will clog). It helps with overall oral care.

To get a dentist’s recommendations for oil pulling, check out this site. They will dispel any of the myths that go along with the oil pulling craze.

Makeup Remover

Yep, coconut oil can do that! Just warm up some oil in your hands and use it on whatever makeup you want removed. It’s simple and kind to your skin. Honestly, I’ve found that it does a better job that most actual makeup removers.


If you want to look put-together, but makeup just isn’t what you want, coconut oil can do a few things to brighten up your look without actually using makeup. If you apply a bit of coconut oil directly to your lashes, it will make them shine a little more than they would naturally. This will get them to stand out a little more than usual. Additionally, it’s really good for the health of your lashes!

Brow Gel

Though coconut oil won’t offer any brow colour, it will at least help you to bring out your eyebrows a little more. The oil will also help your brows to stay in place throughout the day. Just put a little oil directly on your eyebrows and smooth them into a position you like.

Lip Balm

Coconut oil will moisturize your lips AND give them a little more liveliness without using anything extra. If you want to tint your lips a little, just use a bit of kool-aid powder with the oil to add colour.


The natural shine in coconut oil makes it a perfect highlighter for your skin! Just dab a little bit in the places where you normally put your highlighter, and you’re done!

(if you’re looking for more skincare ideas, check out this post about summer skincare!)

Even More Uses for Coconut Oil

Outside of the bathroom, there are some other uses for coconut oil that can save you money.

Uses for coconut oil in the kitchen.

Coconut oil makes a great replacement for butter when you are cooking in a pan. My favourite way to use coconut oil is to cook spinach or eggs. It gives the food this subtle coconutty flavour that is seriously SO GOOD!

Additionally, you can put coconut oil in your coffee to add some energy and delicious taste. If you do this, I’d recommend you mix the ingredients in a blender rather than stir it in. The oil has trouble mixing with the coffee if it is not done with a blender.

Finally, you can put oil in a smoothie to get an extra energy boost.

Uses for coconut oil while cleaning.

Coconut oil can be used to remove really sticky things like gum or sticker labels. My favourite diy stickiness salve can be found here. I’ve tried many, MANY different serums for this particular problem, and this was by far the best!

You can also care for your wooden items with coconut oil. Once you’ve tested it on a small piece of your wooden item, you can just rub a little bit of the oil all around the wood. It will keep your wooden appliances healthy and clean year-round!

Finally, you can condition leather with the magical oil. Just put a little bit on a soft cloth and polish to your heart’s content! Again, make sure that you’ve tested it on a small piece of the leather before cleaning the whole thing.

A Brief Note About Temperature

If it’s your first time buying coconut oil, you might notice that the consistency can be a little…weird. I remember the first time I bought coconut oil, I was so confused that it was so solid! I thought it would look like any other oil. Then when the weather warmed up, I was shocked to see that it was a clear liquid. I was a little worried it, I dunno, went bad or something.

So let me just clear this up for you now.

Coconut oil is sensitive to temperature. When it is cold, the oil will solidify and take on a white-ish colour. When it warms up, it goes clear and turns to a liquid. Both states are completely fine and you don’t need to worry! If it is a solid and you want it warmed up, you can either put it in the microwave for a short stint, or you could rub it between your hands. Both are effective.

My Personal Experience with Coconut Oil

I wanted to put in my two cents about coconut oil. When you see all of these uses for coconut oil, it is only natural to wonder if it actually does all of this, or if I just grabbed random facts from all over the place and put them in a list. It’s completely fair to wonder how legitimate these suggestions are.

Have I tried all the things I mentioned?

There are only two items on this list I have not tried myself: oil pulling and leather polish.

I’ve heard a lot of good stuff about oil pulling, and it has sound medical research to back it up. Dentists all around the world recommend it. To be honest, though, I’m lazy! I didn’t like the idea of swishing something around in my mouth for 20 minutes every day. My jaw will get tired!

It wasn’t until just recently that I learned that even 2-3 minutes can give you benefits. I’m currently considering giving it a try for a shorter period of time. If I do, I’ll tell you all about it!

I also haven’t tried the leather polish because I own a total of two things made of leather, and both look perfectly fine to me. However, I do intend on using coconut oil when it is time to polish them.

Every other item has been personally tried and tested.

Though I should mention that I do still buy makeup. On a normal day, I like to have a few basic makeup pieces in my arsenal, so coconut oil never completely replaced my makeup purchases. However, during my Sunday self-care routines, I often like to go without makeup. When I do, I like to use the coconut oil exactly as I showed you in this post. I find that it helps me look put-together without actually putting any makeup on my face.

Every other item on that list is something I NEVER buy anymore. I occasionally receive spa items as gifts, and I will gladly make use of them. But when I am shopping for myself, I only ever buy coconut oil. I have personally found that it does a better job taking care of my skin’s needs than any skincare product I’ve ever owned before. And trust me, I’ve tried A LOT! I used to have really difficult skin, and coconut oil was one of the changes that made the biggest difference for me. I stand by the universal value of this simple kitchen item.

Any Downsides?

I do have a couple things you should know before making the switch for yourself. The biggest downside to coconut oil is simply that it is rather oily. If you put it on your skin, you will stay slippery for a pretty long time. You don’t need to be sensitive about what you touch, because the oil won’t ruin anything. And it doesn’t feel slimy, exactly. Just know that it doesn’t fully absorb into your skin the way some products do. Personally, I like that about coconut oil, but I know this can be a deal breaker for some.

Also, if you don’t like the smell of coconut, this isn’t for you. The smell is subtle, but it’s clearly a smell of the tropical fruit. If you’re not a fan, then this product really won’t bring you joy.

Finally, the way you store this stuff can be a little tricky. Coconut oil can’t go down the sink, as it will clog it. If you spill some, it can’t be washed with water. You’ll have to use soap or it will stay slippery. And if you put the oil in a container that doesn’t hold oils very well, then it’ll end up leaking and get really slippery all over. It’s not fun.

So basically, if you don’t like slippery things, coconut smells, or cleaning oil drips, then coconut oil isn’t for you. Otherwise, it’s good to go!

How I Store Coconut Oil

I used to simply keep the coconut oil in its original jar, but I found that when as it got emptier, I was having a lot of trouble fitting my hand in there to get the oil out. Additionally, I had wanted my coconut oil to feel a little more spa-like, so I set out to find a good container. I ended up using an old container I once used for makeup remover. It held product without leaking and it was a shallow container. Shallow mason jars would also make for a nice container that is comfortable to use!

Where can I buy coconut oil?

There’s lots of easy ways to get coconut oil. You can get it at most grocery stores and health food stores. Additionally, you can buy it online. I like to get the big tub because I use so much of it anyways! There’s lots of good brands out there. I don’t stick to one company, so you can try out a few if you want!

Viva Naturals Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, 16 Ounce

All in all, I would not hesitate to recommend coconut oil to anyone! The uses for coconut oil are endless! It’s a great, natural way to save money and help improve the condition of your skin. Get yourself some coconut oil today and see how much it can do for you!

Do you have any other uses for coconut oil?

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Meet the Blogger!

Genesis is a former elementary teacher and an avid writer. She has always been passionate about discovering new routines and systems for her life, and now she spends her time sharing those systems with others so that they can live a simpler life that is built for their unique needs. She believes that we all have the power to live an authentic life that never feels like a ‘daily grind’, and her goal at In Its Season is to do everything she can to help others create that life for themselves through habit-building, routine-development, and lifestyle tips. Read more about the author and what her site is about.

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