30 Helpful Strategies to Sleep Better at Night

August 26, 2020

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Do you struggle to fall asleep at night after a long, tiring day? If you’ve ever found yourself frustrated by your inability to sleep, this post is for you! Check out these 30 changes you can make in your life and in your home to sleep better at night. Give yourself the gift of rest with these helpful tips!

We’ve all been there. Everyone has experienced a couple of late nights lying awake and restless in our beds. We all know what it’s like to feel exhausted and still be unable to fall asleep.

Good sleep can be a hard thing to achieve.

There are so many factors that go into having a good night’s rest. It can be hard to figure out what we’re doing wrong.

Today, I wanted to share with you everything I know about how to sleep better at night. You will learn how to create a physical environment that fosters sleep. I will also be showing you how to prepare your body for sleep with naturally remedies and body cues. Finally, we will also be discussing how to create a mental state that is ready for sleep. So if you are ready to make some changes to sleep better tonight, read on for some helpful tips and tricks!

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30 Helpful Strategies to Sleep Better at Night

"30 Helpful Strategies to Sleep Better at Night"

Change your Physical Environment for a Better Night’s Sleep

To sleep better at night, it helps to create an atmosphere that will aid your body in feeling relaxed. In the same way that you wouldn’t want to study for a test in a big, distracting hockey stadium, you don’t want to try to rest and relax in a room that puts you on edge or stimulates you too much.

These first strategies are all about how to create a space that is going to help your body feel ready for sleep. Some are more difficult than others to achieve but try to do what you can to help your body to sleep better.

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#1: Make sure your bedroom is ONLY used for sleep.

One of the best and easiest ways to help your body fall asleep easier is to simplify your bedroom space. This is not a room for technology or entertainment. It is for SLEEP. Only put things in your bedroom that will help you relax. Leave the television for a different space, and if you can help it, put your hobby items in another room, too. Keep your bedroom as a space made solely for sleep, and your body will start to make the connection.

#2: Make your bedroom a clean and calm space that relaxes you.

Depending on what relaxes you, your bedroom should reflect that. Personally, I like clean, empty rooms with light colours, a few plants, some candles, and cozy textile materials. My bedroom mimics this well. If you find a big pile of pillows relaxing, then by all means, put it in your bedroom! The ONLY thing you absolutely should not allow is screens (television, ipads, phones, etc.). Regardless of whether or not you find them relaxing, they aren’t helping your body get into a natural rhythm of sleep.

#3: Keep your bedroom cool to get your body to a comfortable sleeping temperature.

Lots of studies have been made in regards to ideal sleeping environments. They actually reached a consensus on the best temperature for sleeping. Ideally, your room should be 65 degrees Fahrenheit. This will keep your body cool enough for blankets without overheating.

If you have the money to do so, it also helps to get a mattress and blankets that help your body from overheating. Find materials that are breathable so they don’t trap heat between the covers.

#4: Keep light out of the bedroom.

Lights, no matter how small, can really affect your body’s rhythm. Removing all light from your room will help make things easier for you to sleep better. If you are getting too much light from your window, blackout curtains are really helpful. Make sure you cover any small power lights in your room, too (you know, those little lights that shine on a fan or a stereo when you power them on). If you can’t block the light from your room, consider getting a sleeping mask to cover your eyes.

#5: Put calming lavender in your bedroom.

Just as visual cues can help give you a better sleep, smells can help your body relax, too! Spray a little bit of lavender scent on your bed sheets and pillow, or put some lavender in a diffuser to give off a calming scent. You could also use a candle to provide a calm scent for your body.

#6: Create a relaxing soundscape in your bedroom.

As you’re getting ready for bed or a few minutes before you sleep, have some relaxing music playing. Spa playlists and quiet instrumental music are both great for getting your body into a relaxed state. Help relax your body with these sounds.

#7: Keep the outside world far from the bedroom.

Don’t bring newspapers in the bedroom, and try your best to keep your phone far from your bed. If you use your phone for an alarm in the morning, it helps to put your phone on airplane mode so that at least you are not communicating with people throughout the night. When you are trying to sleep, the last thing you need is a bunch of worldly issues running through your mind. It will only cause stress and distraction, and it’s not worth it. Try to protect your sleep hours from the outside world.

Change your Daily Habits to Sleep Better

As strange as it is, there are some things that you can do during your waking hours to help you during your sleeping hours. These next strategies are things you can be aware of throughout the day to help you later at night.

#8: Get up at the same time every morning.

If you end up falling asleep late, don’t readjust your wake-up time to accommodate it. If you maintain a regular wake-up time, then your body will eventually get naturally tired enough to start falling asleep at the appropriate time. So let yourself be a little tired the next day. It will help your body get back on track.

#9: Exercise at the right times.

First of all, it is important to note that exercise is indeed very important in helping you sleep better. This is a proven fact. The jury is still out on whether or not exercise at certain times is problematic for your sleep, however. It is recommended that you either exercise in the morning or between 5-7pm. It is thought that working out late at night might wake your body up too much, but this is not definitively proven. If you find that working out at night doesn’t affect your sleep, then, by all means, keep going!

#10: Get lots of sun during the daytime.

The human body is deeply connected to the rhythms of nature. Back before we had alarm clocks, the sun was a good indicator to the body that it was time to wake up. When you expose yourself to sunlight during the day, it wakes you up. When the sun goes away, it is a trigger for your body to start releasing melatonin. Let nature work in your favour by letting it trigger functions your body needs to sleep better. This doesn’t mean you need to spend all day directly under the sun’s rays, but it is good to get some fresh air and sunlight throughout the day to help keep your body connected to the cycle of waking and sleeping.

#11: Stop having caffeine six hours before bedtime.

You can find caffeine in coffee, some teas, chocolate, soda, and iced tea. Try your best to refrain from these items the closer you get to bedtime. They will get in the way of making your body feel sleepy.

#12: Be careful of how much alcohol you drink before bed.

One drink won’t hurt your sleep, but excessive alcohol will. Initially, the drink will help you fall asleep faster, but it will also wake you up a lot throughout the night. So even though it might feel like it’s helping, it’s really not.

#13: Don’t go to bed overstuffed with food.

Feeling too full at night will make it really hard to fall asleep and stay asleep. Try not to overeat at dinner time, and have your dinner early enough that your body has time to digest everything.

#14: Don’t go to bed too hungry.

In the same vein, it is also important that your stomach is not completely empty. If you are hungry before bed, opt for a small snack that is high in ingredients that make you sleepy. Warm milk, cold turkey, bananas, or a spoonful of honey are all good options.

#15: Go for a quiet walk to calm your mind and move your body.

This habit is a good one because it helps your body AND your mind prepare for sleep. Enjoy the calm surroundings, and just take your time walking through nature. Notice where the sun is at and let that be a trigger to your body that the day is ending soon.

#16: Put all screens away an hour before bed.

Just like the sun can show the body what time it is, the lights from our screens can do the same thing. When we use screens close to bedtime, it tricks your body into thinking that it’s still daytime. Closing all of your screens before bed will help your body better understand that it’s time to sleep. You will get to sleep better because of this change in your daily habits.

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    #17: Have a warm bath or shower an hour before bed.

    To get your body at a cool, comfortable temperature for sleeping, it helps to have a warm bath or shower. It will heat up your body immediately, but when you get out of the shower or bath, it will cool off your body to the right temperature. It also helps your muscles relax and prepare for a comfortable sleep.

    #18: Keep a consistent nighttime routine.

    Now, you don’t have to be super regimented about your nighttime routine. However, it definitely helps to have some things that your body will experience every night that will make it clear that it’s time to sleep. Maybe it is a bath or a quick yoga session, or maybe it’s just a smell that triggers it. Whatever you want the consistency to be, try to stick with it every night so that your body catches on to the signal for bedtime. This will help you to sleep better at night.

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    Change your Mental State to Sleep Better

    Just as we can do things to physically prepare the body for sleep, we can also do things to mentally prepare for sleep. These strategies and tips will help you empty your mind and give you worry-free sleep.

    #19: Do a writing exercise to help you clear your head

    Check out this post on how to do a Brain Dump and try this strategy to clear your mind of any worries and to-do items that you are holding on to. By writing down your thoughts, you won’t have to keep thinking about them as you fall asleep. Instead, you will be able to rest easy, knowing that every thought is safe on a piece of paper for you to look at tomorrow.

    #20: Prepare as much as you can for the next day

    Don’t stress yourself out trying to get everything figured out for your next day. However, wherever it’s possible and manageable, try to lay things out ahead of time so that you don’t have to do it tomorrow. This might mean writing your to-do list, setting reminders, choosing tomorrow’s outfit, and prepping any meals for the next day. Trust me- future you will thank you!

    #21: Take time to reflect.

    Our days are so filled with activity that it’s rare we ever have time to really think about how we are doing. Before you go to bed, allow yourself some time to reflect on how you are feeling. This could be in the form of meditation, prayer, or simply thinking about your day. You don’t need to do anything with the thoughts; just let them flow through you and disappear.

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    #22: Try to resolve any relational conflicts you may have.

    That old adage don’t go to bed angry certainly has some reason to it. Getting a sound sleep when you are angry and at odds with others is extremely difficult. To sleep better, it helps to try to make sure that you don’t have any pent-up anger towards anyone before you rest. If you have a problem that needs solving, go to that person and try to discuss it with them. If you tend to get riled up over social issues, stay away from social media and the news when night falls. Obviously, life won’t be perfect every day, but do what you can to resolve your problems before bed.

    #23: Give yourself an hour to unwind before bed.

    An hour before bed, it can be helpful to simplify everything and just take time to be with your thoughts. As you move through your bedtime routine, let your mind focus in on how you are feeling, both physically AND mentally. Don’t let yourself get distracted by news or tv shows. Try to be as in-tune with your body and your self as you can be. This will help keep you from laying awake at night thinking and worrying. Give yourself the chance to think and relax BEFORE hopping into bed at night.

    #24: Do some yoga stretches to calm your mind and body.

    Yoga is great for a lot of different situations. Their are specific yoga routines meant to help you get sleepy, and these are the ones you will want to do. If you pair your yoga routine with some calm music and lavender scents, you can get an even heavier dose of sleepiness! Here are a few different yoga routines you can follow for your bedtime routine:

    #25: Try ‘Alternate Nose Breathing’.

    There are lots of different breathing exercises that can relax you, but this is my favourite one! It is easy, quick, and effective.

    To do it, sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Press your thumb to your right nostril and take a full breath in through your left nostril. Hold there for a moment while you take your thumb off your right nostril and put your ring finger on the left nostril. Breathe out through your now-open right nostril. Now switch. With your finger still blocking your left nostril, breathe in through the right. Hold your breath while you switch sides. Now, with your thumb once again on your right nostril and your finger removed from the left, breathe out through the left nostril.

    This is one full round, and you can repeat the same thing as many times as you want. Just make sure that you complete the round so that you’ve had an even amount of breaths in and out on each side.

    If you want visual instructions on how to do this, check out this video.

    #26: Practice a muscle tensing technique while in bed.

    This strategy is one that my mom taught me when I was a kid, and it always worked really well for me to help me fall asleep faster and to sleep better as a result.

    To do it, first you need to be lying on your back in bed. With your eyes closed, you will start to focus on each muscle in your body. Starting with your toes, try to clench those specific muscles. While tightening and clenching those muscles, try your best to make sure that every other muscle stays relaxed. Hold it for 10 seconds, then relax. Next, go to the next muscle and tighten only that one. You’ll start at your toes, then maybe ankles, calves, thighs, glutes, abs, and so on, until you’ve tightened every muscle in your body.

    To this day, I have never been able to reach my head before falling asleep. The point is not to finish the routine, but to let this routine help you drift off to sleep faster. Try it yourself and see how long it takes for you!

    What To Do If Nothing is Working and You Just Can’t Sleep

    Our bodies are not predictable, and you’re going to run into days where you JUST CAN’T SLEEP. Don’t worry, though! There are even things to try in these situations that might be able to help you. Use these strategies if you’ve been lying in bed for 20-30 minutes and you still can’t sleep.

    #27: Get up if you can’t sleep after 30 minutes.

    There’s nothing worse than lying in bed for hours on end because you can’t sleep. A body ready for sleep should be able to doze off in 30 minutes or less, so if you don’t fall asleep in that time range, there’s no point fighting it. Instead of lying awake and getting increasingly more frustrated that you can’t sleep, get up and do something.


    I didn’t say get up and do anything. You need to do something that won’t stimulate your body too much. So if you took what I said and heard, “if I can’t sleep, I have permission to get out of bed and binge Netflix until 4am”, YOU’RE WRONG! Screens are still a HUGE no-no if you can’t sleep. They are not going to help you at all with your sleep.

    If you can’t sleep, you need to choose something slow and relaxing to do with your time. Read a book in dim lighting, have a warm drink, or do something quiet and relaxing to you. When you feel a little more relaxed, hop in bed and try to fall asleep again. Hopefully this time will be more successful.

    #28: Try wearing socks and gloves if you can’t sleep.

    This is a great thing to try for those of you out there with poor circulation. Remember when we talked about the importance of temperature for sleep? If your body isn’t at the right temperature, it will be harder to fall asleep. Putting something on your hands and feet will help to increase the blood flow to the extremities. This, in turn, will help lower your core body temperature. This should help you to sleep better at night.

    #29: Use natural supplements to aid difficult sleep.

    If you’ve tried everything and you absolutely CANNOT sleep, this will very likely help you, but I advise you to use it with caution. Melatonin is a natural supplement that will help your body fall asleep more easily. Your body releases its own melatonin at night, but if it fails to do so, you can use this supplement to make up for what’s missing in your body.

    It will help you to sleep better right away, but be careful. I can tell you from personal experience that it is addicting. If you use it too often, you will start to depend on it, and over time you will need higher dosages. I’d recommend using melatonin only when you’ve tried every other option. I also use melatonin when I am sick with the cold or the flu. But try your best not to rely on it, and instead use it as a last resort.

    #30: Remember that there’s always tomorrow!

    If all else fails, and you had a horrible night’s rest, just remember that tomorrow is a new day. Don’t let yourself feel like you are doomed to bad sleep for the rest of your life. When you stop believing that your body is capable of improvement, you will stop trying to help it at all. So get up, live your life, and try new strategies the next night. Have patience for yourself and for your body. You might require a lot of little steps forward before any sort of visible progress is made, and that’s okay! We’re all on our own unique journey, and perfection won’t ever happen. Instead, we hope for progress, however small it may be, and try again the next chance we get!

    "30 Helpful Strategies to Sleep Better at Night"


    I hope that some of these strategies and suggestions resonated with you today. Try out one or two tonight, or slowly start to add them into your nightly routine. Good luck on your quest to sleep better at night!

    What About You?

    Did you try any of the strategies? What worked and what didn’t work for you? Do you do anything that’s not on this list that works like magic? Share your experience in the comments below! I’d love to hear from you!

    A pink background with a grey heart and the author's signature. The text says, "With Love, Genesis"

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    Meet the Blogger!

    Genesis is a former elementary teacher and an avid writer. She has always been passionate about discovering new routines and systems for her life, and now she spends her time sharing those systems with others so that they can live a simpler life that is built for their unique needs. She believes that we all have the power to live an authentic life that never feels like a ‘daily grind’, and her goal at In Its Season is to do everything she can to help others create that life for themselves through habit-building, routine-development, and lifestyle tips. Read more about the author and what her site is about.

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