How To Care For Yourself When You Suffer With Anxiety

January 13, 2024

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Let’s face it, more people than we even realize will feel anxious or suffer from some form of anxiety in their lives.

It could be something temporary such as when you are going for a job interview or making some dramatic change in your life. Or it could be something that you struggle with for longer periods of time.

It can be quite limiting when it comes to your life and daily tasks, which is why it is so much better to tackle the anxiety head-on and make some changes rather than let it fester and control you. With that in mind, here are some things you could do to help manage your anxiety in a healthy way.   

A girl looking up at the sky while lying in a bed of leaves.

Image source – pixabay – cco license

1. Change your mindset

One of the first things you should consider doing is working on your mindset. This is easier said than done, but it can work wonders just by changing a few habits that you have in place.

It could be that your thoughts are negative and that you always see the bad side of things rather than the good. However, forcing yourself to be positive about things and life events can help you to change the habit and think differently.

You might also want to think about how grateful you feel for the things that go well in your life. There will always be things worth celebrating but when you have an anxious mindset they can often be overlooked. 

2. Try out methods other than medication 

Heading to the doctor will always be an advisable step to take, but often they may want to try medication as a route to solving your anxiety.

Not everyone wants to do that as a first option, and so it is always going to be worth trying alternative methods. Supplements and calming oils such as CBD can help you when you feel like your anxiety is getting too overwhelming. You can look for cbd options quite easily online. You might also want to think about things like counselling and therapy sessions.

People also swear by Reiki when it comes to feeling anxious. It is always good to know there are other things you can try before medication if the thought of that makes you uncomfortable. 

3. Change your diet

Your diet can play a big part in how you feel, so if you can try and avoid things like caffeine and alcohol. Choose to nourish your body with foods that show your body love and feel fulfilling to you.

It is easier to feel good if you are actively doing something about it, and your diet is a great place to start.

Also drinking more water has been known to help improve your mood and sleep quality. This could also help you with anxiety moving forward. 

4. Exercise more 

Finally, one of the proven methods of getting rid of anxiety is through exercise. This doesn’t mean that you need to be in the gym every day. Simple things like walking your dog and being out in the fresh air can work wonders for your anxiety levels and could do you the world of good. 

Let’s hope these methods help you when it comes to looking after yourself when you struggle with anxiety.

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Meet the Blogger!

Genesis is a former elementary teacher and an avid writer. She has always been passionate about discovering new routines and systems for her life, and now she spends her time sharing those systems with others so that they can live a simpler life that is built for their unique needs. She believes that we all have the power to live an authentic life that never feels like a ‘daily grind’, and her goal at In Its Season is to do everything she can to help others create that life for themselves through habit-building, routine-development, and lifestyle tips. Read more about the author and what her site is about.

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