25 Fun Games For The Brain To Sharpen Your Mind The Easy Way

November 18, 2021

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Are you wanting to learn how to be smarter as an adult? Discover these fun games for the brain that can make your mind sharp and intelligent. 

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Back when I was teaching, we used to talk a lot about growth mindset.

It was the idea that your brain is a muscle and that, just like any other muscle, you can train it to become stronger. 

This idea is one that I actually feel is so relevant to us as adults. 

Oftentimes as adults, we feel like our brain is destined to stay the same once we finish school. But we couldn’t be more wrong. 

Throughout our whole lives, our brain works like any other muscle; it can be strengthened and trained to learn new things at any stage of life. 

But is there a trick for how to be smarter when you are no longer in a school setting? 

It’s actually easier than you’d think! 

Today, I want to share with you some of my favourite games for the brain that can help make your mind sharp and intelligent without needing access to a classroom. 

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A woman in a thick sweater writing on a silver tablet.
Photo by Surface on Unsplash

Can you become smarter? 

The first thing you need to recognize in order to become smarter as an adult is that it is entirely possible to do so. 

Many people assume that once you leave school, you are pretty much done with learning and improvement of the mind but that doesn’t have to be true. 

You can absolutely become smarter as an adult with some daily training for your brain. 

And the best part is that it doesn’t mean you have to return to school. There are so many amazing and effective games for the brain that you can play regularly to make your mind sharper. 

In the same way that daily exercise can strengthen the muscles in your body, daily brain exercises can strengthen your brain and make you smarter over time. 

Related Post: 27 Unbelievably Easy Ways To Practice Emotional Self-Care

How can I sharpen my mind? 

There are tons of small changes you can make to your daily routine to sharpen your mind. If you want ideas, check out the post I made all about how to improve your mental abilities: 

One really simple trick on how to be smarter is to play fun games for the brain!

The list you’re about to see are all great games you can play in order to sharpen your mind. 

What games increase IQ? 

The list of fun games for the brain that I’m about to share all help to increase IQ but the list is not exhaustive.

If you want to know easily whether or not a game is considered good for the brain, you can check to see if it is Mensa-approved. 

Mensa-approved games will have a badge on them that indicates that they are games that can help you train your brain. 

You can also check out what brain games they suggest directly on their site: 

What are some fun brain games? 

I’ve got 25 fun brain games that can help you if you’re wondering how to be smarter as an adult without returning to school. They are all games that are fun to play and challenge the brain through creativity, logic, and strategy. 

"25 fun games for the brain to help make your mind sharp and intelligent"

Fun brain games that can be played by yourself

This first category is a mix of games that you can play by yourself to exercise and strengthen your brain. There are physical copies of all of these games but you can also play most of them online.

1. Rubix Cube (and other puzzle toys) 

There are many options for metal and wooden puzzle toys that can get your brain working optimally but the classic Rubix cube is a great one to turn to.

The point of the Rubix cube is to get the same colour tiles to all end up on the same side so that every side of the cube is a solid block of colour. 

The thing that makes the Rubix cube ideal is that it can be scrambled differently every time.

Unlike other puzzle toys, you don’t learn the trick once and forget about it. Instead, you can try to solve it many times over. 

2. Traffic Jam

This game is fun for people who like hands-on puzzle games.

It comes with a bunch of vehicles in different shapes and sizes and a deck of cards with suggested puzzles to create.

On a grid board, you will place the vehicles where the card indicates and then move the cars forward and back to try to get one single car out of the grid.

It is a ton of fun to play around with.

I have personally logged many hours playing this particular game. 

ThinkFun Rush Hour Traffic Jam Brain Game and STEM Toy for Boys and Girls Age 8 and Up – Tons of Fun With Over 20 Awards Won, International Bestseller for Over 20 Years

3. Actual puzzles

You can’t go wrong with a classic puzzle.

They come in all sorts of varieties and levels of difficulty.

My favourite puzzles, however, are the ones that come with a mystery to solve. Once you finish the puzzle, you have to search for clues in the picture to try to solve the mystery.

They are a lot of fun to do alone or with friends and they occupy plenty of time! 

Bepuzzled Classic Mystery Jigsaw Puzzle – Sherlock Holmes, 1000

4. Sudoku

Sudoku is a great math game that I would highly recommend for anyone- even if you don’t consider yourself a great mathematician.

The point of this game is to fit the numbers 1-9 into horizontal lines, vertical lines, and squares of 9 without repeating the same number twice in any of these alignments. 

This game does take a minute to grasp but once you understand the basics you can try any Soduku puzzle and enjoy it! 

1000+ Sudoku Puzzles for Adults: A Book With More Than 1000 Sudoku Puzzles from Easy to Hard for adults.

5. Crosswords

If you’re looking for a game to expand your vocabulary and learn a few new things, this is your puzzle game!

In a series of boxes, you will need to insert words that fit with the clues provided.

The tricky part of this game is that some words cross over each other, so you will need to choose words so that they share similar letters. 

This game is great if you don’t want to learn a bunch of steps to play, as it’s pretty straightforward. 

The New York Times Monday Crossword Puzzle Omnibus: 200 Solvable Puzzles from the Pages of The New York Times

6. Kakuro

Kakuro is a Japanese puzzle game that is sort of a cross between Sudoku and Crosswords.

This board also needs to be filled with the numbers 1 to 9 but in this one, the numbers need to add up to a given sum without being used more than once in the same row. 

This is a great way to practice your mental math skills! 

Absolutely Nasty® Kakuro Level One (Absolutely Nasty® Series)

7. Futoshiki

Futoshiki is another fun game for the brain that comes from Japan.

You can play it on any size of a square board.

The point of the game is to fill in the columns and rows with numbers that vary according to the size of the board.

For example, if the board is four wide and tall, then the numbers are 1-4. If the board is 7 squares wide and tall, then the numbers now range from 1-7. 

Some numbers will already be filled in and there will also be indicators that require certain squares to contain a number that is bigger or smaller than the square beside it. 

Your job is to fill in the remaining squares with numbers that honour these boundaries. 

It is much more similar to Sudoku than Kakuro as it doesn’t require as much mental math but it is a great and fun game to play anytime! 

600 Futoshiki Puzzles: Futoshiki logic puzzles for adults

Creative word games to help you learn how to be smarter

My personal favourite genre of brain game is this one. I love to play with words and art! The following games are my personal favourites in this category and they’re all worth a try!

8. Cranium

This game has been around for quite a while and it’s a great one to play if you like variety in your brain training.

There are lots of brain training challenges that it gives you involving sculpting, drawing, spelling, trivia, and more! 

If you are someone who likes to get a little silly and wants more variety in your brain training, this is a great game for you! 

Cranium 3-in-1 Game Board (2014) 600 Cards

9. Pictionary

This is a classic game that is so good for your brain.

In this game, one person gets a word that they have to have other people guess, but they can’t use words to help them.

Instead, they have to create a drawing that will get people to guess what the word on the card was.

It’s a fun game that is less about how well you can draw and more about how well you can communicate without words. 

Pictionary Quick Drawing Board & Guessing Game for Family, Kids, Teens & Adults, with Dry Erase Boards, Special Markers & Clue Cards with a Unique Catch-All Category [Amazon Exclusive]

10. Backseat Drawing

This game is so much fun but it always surprises me that it is not more popular.

The concept is much like Pictionary but with an added challenge.

Instead of one person seeing the word and drawing it, the role is split in two.

People work in teams, where one person knows the word that everyone needs to guess and the other person has to draw the item without knowing what the word is. 

The person who knows the word has to give instructions to the person drawing on what they need to put on the board.

It requires a great deal of communication and visualization skills, as well as listening and comprehension skills for the person drawing.

This is one of my all-time favourite games for the brain! 

Backseat Drawing Game

11. Scattergories

For any word-lovers out there, this game really works the brain.

The game comes with cards that have different categories on them. In each round, you have to write an object that fits the category and starts with a particular letter of the alphabet. 

For example, if the letter is “T” and the category is “Types of sports” you could write “Tennis”. 

The point of the game is to complete as many of the categories on the card within the given time frame.

You only get points for words you thought of that aren’t repeated by other players.

This brain game really challenges your vocabulary.

I always feel mentally tired after a few rounds of this fantastic game. 

Winning Moves Scattergories 30th Anniversary Edition, Brown

12. Balderdash

This is a classic game that quite a few people have not heard of before.

In this game, you are given an obscure word from the dictionary.

Everyone playing has to write down a fake definition of what the word could mean. Then a designated player reads all of the definitions aloud, along with the real definition.

Everyone has to vote on which definition they think is the correct one. 

It is a fun linguistic game that can get silly but also offers a lot of educational value. 

Mattel Games Balderdash, Multicolor, CFX43

13. Boggle

Unlike Balderdash, this is likely a classic game that you have heard of before.

In this game, there is a grid of dice that have different letters displayed. You have to create words with these letters by connecting the letters diagonally, horizontally, or vertically.

Like Scattergories, you only get points if no one else thought of the word. 

This game is a great game to play if you just want to play a few casual rounds of a board game or even if you just want to play by yourself for a bit. 


14. Scrabble

Okay, you probably know this one but it’s worth mentioning because it is such a great brain game, especially if you like crossword puzzles. 

In this game, you and your opponents all get a series of tiles with letters on them.

Using these tiles, you have to create words on a crossword board to earn points that add up over time.

It can be a challenge to incorporate the letters on the board with the ones you have in your hand. 

I like this game for days when you want to take your time with the turns.

This game has the slowest pace of all of the games on this list. If that appeals to you, then this game is a great one for you! 

Scrabble Deluxe Travel Edition

15. Bananagrams

This game is like Scrabble on speed and it is one of my favourite games to play, both alone and with friends. 

Much like Scrabble, you have tiles that you have to turn into a crossword but in this game, you don’t share your crossword with your opponents.

Instead, you have to race to create a coherent crossword that incorporates all of the tiles you have.

Once you do that, everyone (including you) has to take another tile and add it to your personal crossword.

Once all of the tiles are used, the first person to complete their crossword wins! 

It is a great, fast-paced game for people of all levels. 

Bananagrams: Multi-Award-Winning Word Game

16. Honeycombs

This game is quite a bit like Bananagrams in its format but has a different game style.

Instead of letters on each tile, these honeycomb-shaped tiles each have a series of symbols on them. The object of the game is to match the symbols to the symbols of another tile. 

There are a few variations on how you might like to play this particular game, so depending on the competitive level and speed at which you want to play, the style varies.

It’s another game that is great for all types of skill levels. 


17. Codenames

This game can be quite the challenge and is definitely a ton of fun!

In this game, there are a bunch of different tiles with different nouns on them.

One player on your team has set tiles they want you to flip over but cannot tell you outright what they are. Instead, they have to give one-word clues that make you choose the desired tiles.

But watch out, as there are a few tiles they really don’t want you to flip.

They have to be careful that you won’t associate the word they gave you with the words on those tiles. 

When I first tried this game I instantly understood what all the hype was about. It quickly became one of my favourite fun games for the brain no matter who I’m playing with. 

Czech Games Codenames

Fun games for the brain that involve math, logic, and strategy

The following games all involve some level of math, logic, or strategy to win. If you are wondering how to be smarter with games that don’t involve word-play, then these will be a great fit for you! 

18. Quirkle

This game looks quite a lot like Scrabble but instead of letters, it has a series of symbols in different colours.

The object of the game is simple: build lines by matching tiles based on either colour or shape.

You score points for the number of tiles you are able to place on the board.

My favourite thing about this game is how friendly it is to players of varying levels of ability.

It will be equally challenging for everyone and it’s easy to learn, so it is great for people who often get frustrated by games that feel a little too complex. 

Qwirkle Board Game

19. Blokus

If you like Tetris, then this board game is going to be right up your alley!

In this game, you get a set of blocks that come in different shapes and sizes. Your opponent gets the same number.

You have to try to place as many blocks of your own on the board while blocking your opponent to be able to do the same.

The tricky part of this game is that your pieces can only connect by their corners- they are not allowed to fit snugly beside each other.

Your opponent can try to block off all of your connections so that you can’t fit your pieces anywhere.

It’s a really fun game that I would highly recommend you try! 

Blokus Game [Amazon Exclusive]

20. Munchkin

If Dungeons and Dragons is a game style you enjoy, this is a great strategy game for you.

In this game, you play as a level 1 munchkin that is trying to get to level 10 by fighting monsters that give you experience.

There are a series of skills, weapons, and potions that you can use to make yourself stronger in battle but your opponents also have items that can help or hurt you. 

This game requires a mix of luck and strategy but you will also be doing a lot of mental math that will help sharpen your mind. 

Munchkin is one of the more complex games on this list, so if you don’t like learning how to play more complicated games, this might not be the best fit for you.

However, if you are really into storytelling games, it might be perfect for you! 

Steve Jackson Games Munchkin Deluxe

21. Anomia

This is a card game that requires almost no instructions at all to be able to play.

First, everyone gets the same amount of cards and sits in a circle.

Players will take turns placing a card face-up in front of them.

Each card has a symbol on it with two categories, one written on each end of the card.

If the player who places the card has a symbol that matches the symbol on another player’s card, they both have to play head-to-head to think of a word that fits the category on their opponent’s card.

If you blurt out a correct answer first, you win their card and the drawing continues. Whoever has the most cards by the end of the game wins. 

Anomia is a simple but chaotic game and is a ton of fun for any age.

Since it’s a card game, it’s also a great one to travel with. 

Everest Toys Anomia Card Game

22. Stratego

For those who enjoy checkers or chess, Stratego is a wonderful alternative to play.

It is set up much like a chess game, where you each have different pawns with unique abilities.

The thing that sets this game apart is that you get to choose where all of your pawns get placed and the identity of each pawn remains a secret to your opponent.

While placing these pawns, you also have to place a flag somewhere on your side of the board. 

The object of the game is to retrieve your opponent’s flag before they retrieve yours.

This can prove quite difficult when you don’t know what you’re up against on the other side.

This game requires a bit of time to learn but is simple to play once you get used to the mechanics. 

Stratego Original Game — New Update – Classic Pawns with No Stickers!

23. Settlers of Catan

This brain game is quite the crowd-pleaser for most, so you’ve likely run into it at some point.

It is a game that requires a balanced mix of luck and strategy.

Basically, you own plots of land that provide resources for yourself. The amount of resources you collect is determined by the number that is rolled on the die.

You can then use those resources to build things for yourself or to trade with other people for alternative resources you require.

The object of the game (in its simplest form) is to build more than anyone else. 

This is not a very difficult game to learn, which is probably why so many people like it.

It might not be quite as mentally challenging as some of the other games on this list, but it is a wonderful strategy game! 

Catan Board Game (Base Game) | Family Board Game | Board Game for Adults and Family | Adventure Board Game | Ages 10+ | for 3 to 4 Players | Average Playtime 60 Minutes | Made by Catan Studio

24. Ticket to Ride

Ticket to Ride is a strategy game where players have to create railway routes that connect cities to each other.

The longer the route they make, the more points they earn for themselves.

You can also earn extra points by fulfilling Destination Tickets that have specific locations you are asked to connect.

For people who enjoy games like Risk, this is a fun game to try.

It doesn’t actually require much learning before you can jump into the game but there are a lot of physical pieces to this game, like cards and blocks.

If you don’t like games with a lot of moving pieces, Ticket to Ride might be a little overwhelming for you. However, the gameplay itself is quite simple. 

Ticket to Ride Board Game | Family Board Game | Board Game for Adults and Family | Train Game | Ages 8+ | For 2 to 5 players | Average Playtime 30-60 minutes | Made by Days of Wonder

25. Dominion

Another game good for people who enjoy strategy games similar to Risk, Dominion is another great option.

It is primarily a card game where the aim is to acquire the most valuable land by strategically using your treasure and power cards in your hand. 

It is a slower-paced game that I find to be fun even when you are losing miserably.

If you enjoy fun games for the brain that tell a story and aren’t very aggressive towards opponents, you might enjoy this one! 

Dominion: 2nd Edition
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I hope that some of these games have piqued your interest.

They are all wonderful ways to exercise your brain.

If you want to know how to be smarter and don’t know where to start, any one of these fun games for the brain would be a great thing to try.

They are fun, easy, and even give you an opportunity to incorporate some social time with friends and family! 

Do you have any fun games for the brain that you would recommend to people who are interested in how to be smarter as an adult?

A pink background with a grey heart and the author's signature. The text says, "With Love, Genesis"

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Meet the Blogger!

Genesis is a former elementary teacher and an avid writer. She has always been passionate about discovering new routines and systems for her life, and now she spends her time sharing those systems with others so that they can live a simpler life that is built for their unique needs. She believes that we all have the power to live an authentic life that never feels like a ‘daily grind’, and her goal at In Its Season is to do everything she can to help others create that life for themselves through habit-building, routine-development, and lifestyle tips. Read more about the author and what her site is about.

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